There are many things to think about when purchasing a safe. Possibly the most important is what you want to store in the secure container, and what you want to protect it from. In most cases, the items inside will be important documents, valuables or weapons. It is important to protect the items from fire and burglars. This is an integral part of purchasing a safe. Ensure that the safe you are looking at is certified for at least 30-60 minutes of either fire and/or burglary resistance.
The main locking mechanisms for safes include electronic locks, a single dial combination lock, or a key. Consider buying a safe that has a backup (e.g. electronic keypad with a hidden keyhole), in case you forget the combination. If using an electronic lock, it is important to monitor the batteries, & change them regularly. It is also a bad idea to keep the backup keys inside the safe, because if the combination is lost, the keys are stuck inside. Having a key on hand in the event of the combination lock failing, or forgetting the code will save a lot of time & money.
When looking for a safe, it is important to look for a trusted brand. Buying a cheap safe is often a bad choice. Buying from trusted companies such as Yale or Chubb may be more expensive, but the end product is vastly more secure than a cheaper product. Make sure to purchase a safe that is able to be bolted to the ground or to a wall. This adds a degree of protection by preventing the whole container from being stolen.
Security Measures
Pay attention to the extra security measures that the safe has. Redundant security measures like glass relockers (which fire secondary bolts if the front of the safe is drilled into) can add to the time it takes to break in to the safe. Another way to protect the safe is to hide it from sight. This could mean putting it in a cupboard, or building a wall cavity for it. It is also highly recommended to use bolts to secure the safe to the floor or a solid wall (most safes come with some sort of anchors or bolts). This makes it harder for thieves to take the safe off the premises to unlock elsewhere, with more tools.
Cash rating is an indication of the level of security of a safe and the highest amount of money that should be kept in it. This rating is calculated by the quality, the locking mechanisms, and the construction materials, among other things. Insurance agencies will ensure the valuables inside the safe up to the amount of the cash rating. Some agencies may be more lenient than others. It is important to notify the agency of what you will be stored in the safe so that the insurance value can be arranged.
Gun Safes
Gun safes are designed in different sizes/styles to hold different kinds of weapons. These are a requirement for storing weapons in accordance with license regulations. They prevent the items inside from being easily stolen and also keep the weapons away from children.
Finally, make sure you do your research into which safe you are buying. Finding the right safe for your needs will help to keep your valuables secure, no matter what they are.
Medical Grade Safes
Drug safes are designed to provide premium drug storage and protection. It is important when choosing a safe for medical practice, that they comply with the Australian Health Department Specifications in order to deliver a higher level of protection and satisfy compliance. These safes are suitable for Hospitals, Health Care Centres as well as Aged Care Facilities in Australia.
To browse our safe range including types and sizes below:
For more information on safes, or finding the best solution for your home/business call us on 1300 366 277